St. James members love to spend time giving back for the betterment of our community. Below are some of the past way St. James has supported the Red Bank Community.
Past events

2019 Bible Study

Thank you to everyone who has come out and joined us! Thank You Mr. Frazier for a terrific Bible Study.

Boy Scouts 2019
A great big “Thank You” to the leaders and children from our church’s Scout Pack 332! We needed our parking lot bumpers cleaned and painted and they did an AWESOME job!!! It was a learning experience but it looks like they had a lot of fun doing it! We appreciate our Scout troop! You always go above and beyond to support the ministry of St. James!!!

2019 Confirmands

Congratulations Will Lahrman and Brian Estep

2019 St. James Graduates
Congratulations to Mattie O'Quinn and Emerson Hibbs.
Police Officer's Memorial Day May 15, 2019

Every year hundreds of law enforcement officers make the ultimate sacrifice. This year St. James, in conjunction with Red Bank businesses Aldi's, Popeye's Chicken and Little Caesars, provided a free lunch to the Lexington County Sheriff's Department. We were honored to feed the men and women that put their lives on the line for our community every day.

Outdoor service held April 27, 2019
This is our annual service held in the pavilion at St. James. What a beautiful way to celebrate Spring and all that God give us!!

2017 Riders Remembered
St. James hosted Riders Remembered to raise money for a family who lost their husband/father in a hit and run motorcycle accident. The money raised at this event assisted the two youngest children with their specialized needs due to autism.​