St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation of believers in Jesus Christ -- a people set apart by God for His purposes! As God's servant people we shall:
WORSHIP GOD - gathering together in a spirit of praise and thanksgiving as brothers and sisters in Christ.
LEARN AND TEACH - providing interpretation of Holy Scripture and its application to daily life.
RECEIVE - being forgiven of our sins and nourished in faith through Word and Sacrament.
SHARE - expressing our Christian Love by giving our time, talents and material blessings as we are blessed.
FORGIVE - forgiving others as Christ forgives us when our faith falters and temptation overcomes us.
MINISTER - serving the needy of spirit with Christian love and understanding.
WITNESS - proclaiming and sharing the good news of the Gospel in word and deed reaching out to lead others to faith in Jesus Christ.
Together as one body in Christ, we shall provide facilities, resources and manpower to accomplish these things which our Lord has commanded. Guided by His Holy Spirit we will be strengthened in faith and led to serve others in our homes, our church, our community and throughout the world.