About us
Who we are...the Lutheran Church
St. James is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a denomination with more than 5.3 million members, making it the fourth largest Protestant Church in the United States.
We believe that God sent His Son to "accomplish all things for our salvation," and we hold fast to the belief that we are not saved by what we do, but by what Christ has done for us all.
The Lutheran Church is a singing church with a historically beautiful worship service. Being neither radical nor ultra conservative, the church longs to serve as the Body of Christ and be His instrument of love, mercy, peace and forgiveness in the world.
Membership is offered to all who are baptized or desire to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
St. James Lutheran Church...
Welcomes all people!
Worships the Risen Jesus Christ!
Encourages growth, learning and enrichment for all ages!
Teaches the Living Word of God in a way that connects to our lives!
Cares for individuals and families as we seek to live out our faith!
Believes that Jesus lived and died for us and is the hope of the world!
Invites you to be a part of this exciting adventure of faith!
You are invited...
If you would like to join St. James and "Share the Spirit," please share your desire with our pastor or a member of the Evangelism Committee. If you are from a Lutheran background, we will welcome you by Letter of Transfer. If you come from another Christian body, we offer you a four-to-five week Pastor's Class to provide some instruction and understanding in the Lutheran Faith, ending in your Affirmation of Baptism. If you have not been a member of a church, you will want to attend the Pastor's Class and be accepted into God's Family by the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
Confession of Faith of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America...
Here is the official text as it appears in the Constitution of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
1. This church confesses the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2. This church confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe
- Jesus Christ is the Word of God incarnate, through whom everything was made and through whose life, death, and resurrection God fashions a new creation.
- The proclamation of God's message to us as both Law and Gospel is the Word of God, revealing judgment and mercy through word and deed, beginning with the Word in creation, continuing in the history of Israel, and centering in all its fullness in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
- The canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the written Word of God. Inspired by God's Spirit speaking through their authors, they record and announce God's revelation centering in Jesus Christ.Through them God's Spirit speaks to us to create and sustain Christian faith and fellowship for service in the world.
3. This church accepts the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of its proclamation, faith, and life.
4. This church accepts the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds as true declarations of the faith of this church.
5. This church accepts the Unaltered Augsburg Confession as a true witness to the Gospel, acknowledging as one with it In faith and doctrine all churches that likewise accept the teachings of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession.
6. This church accepts the other confessional writings in the Book of Concord, namely, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles and the Treatise, the Small Catechism, the Large Catechism, and the Formula of Concord, as further valid interpretations of the faith of the Church.
7. This church confesses the Gospel, recorded in the Holy Scriptures and confessed in the ecumenical creeds and Lutheran confessional writings, as the power of God to create and sustain the Church for God's mission in the world.